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what did you do this week?

being a professional Oct 07, 2023

Unequivocally the most important thing in real estate is showing up. Like, there is no close second - there is nothing else more important in real estate than showing up every day in a certain way and doing it consistently over time.

What is the hardest thing for real estate agents to do? Show up. 

Right now, many agents are simply not showing up at all!

I have already talked about this, but it is SOOOO important right now I can't not mention it again. Moreover, during one of this week's coaching calls I was reminded how hard this is for people to grasp and implement.

Max (not his real name) signed up to have me help him get to the doors on a consistent basis and bring some momentum to his business. On the call yesterday, he reported that he didn't get to the doors. Instead, he spent the morning working on a first-time home buyer seminar he is doing in a couple of weeks. 

  • Max signed up to work with me - spending a lot of money and time - to bring consistency to his business.
  • He said he was going to do it.
  • He sometimes does it, but rarely at the time it is scheduled.
  • And then often finds himself in several instances where he does something totally different than what he is supposed to do.

Do you see how insane this is?

This is Resistance. I wrote a whole chapter on this phenomenon in my book. Simply put, our brains look for ways to get us out of doing what we know we are supposed to do, but don't want to do and/or are scared of doing.

I give a lot of credit to Max. He is dealing, finally, with the crap that is getting in the way of his true real estate success.

What about you? 

Notice if you do not want me to ask you this question. Notice if you want to avoid answering or dealing with any of this right now. That is also Resistance. It can literally eat away at your aliveness and fulfillment. 

Look, you're off the hook. You haven't signed up for the Six Week Reboot. However, I invite you to pay close attention to what you are doing right now.

If you are distracting yourself with stuff at home, "getting ready for next year," or any other nonsense - I invite you to consider that you are hiding out and/or avoiding the tough stuff you must do right now to thrive.

You become extraordinary by doing the ordinary, day in and day out.

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