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Do you want things to be easier?

being a professional Sep 23, 2023

What do agents want right now?


They want more deals.
They want more inventory.
They want mortgage rates to be lower.


Basically... they want things to be easier.


But remember just 18-24 months ago?  What did agents want? Things to be easier!


There were not enough properties for sale, prices were out of control, sellers were totally unreasonable, buyers were frustrated, and homes had so many offers you couldn't get the listing agent to call you back. Remember those days?


Is that what you want?


Personally: I am like Goldilocks and her porridge. I don't like my real estate markets too hot, I don't like them too cold - I like them "just right." In 19 years do you know how many months I had a real estate market "just right?"  Almost zero.


Two years ago there were more transactions happening, and for sure, many agents' production is down this year. However, this notion that things were 'easier' - I am going to say, "FALSE!" 


PSA: real estate is NOT easy!


What you see on TV, on IG, in your office - it's a facade. There is nothing easy about long-term success in real estate.


While most agents think "the market" determines their experience of success, fulfillment, and satisfaction, I am going to say that assumption is also... FALSE! Consider that the market has very limited influence on your ultimate success.  What matters most: your view of what success, fulfillment, and satisfaction look and feel like.


This is so simple it seems absolutely impossible. 


You probably think I am totally nuts. Look, you don't have to believe me. You're already downtrodden. You can keep feeling disempowered, anxious, or any other negative state... or you can consider changing your mind/view. If you don't change, it doesn't matter what happens in the market - you are going to still feel crappy because YOU are still there!


Sure, if mortgage rates dropped to the low 6's/high 5's, there would almost certainly be "more" business happening - but that doesn't mean you would be doing more business. Nor would it necessarily be easy! In fact, if that happened, the market would still be hard! You would still be complaining!


If you are not experiencing success, fulfillment, and satisfaction in your business...


You are the problem.


But good news! You are also the solution!


In case you never noticed, the last six letters of satisfaction are ACTION!


There are lots of methods, practices, exercises, workshops, and seminars that you can do to alter your view of your life so you have a positive experience of living. On the other hand, one very quick shortcut to feeling better about your life - and business: take action!


Can you remember something you needed to do, not something that was necessarily significant, but something minor, like: paying a bill, mailing something, running an errand, fixing a running toilet, or oiling a squeaky door? Every time you see that "thing" you need to do it kind of bothers you? It sits and weighs, even just a little, on your emotional psyche. Then one day you have had enough - and you finally take care of that little thing. It was so quick and easy, you can't believe you didn't do it sooner. You also probably had an experience of accomplishment, freedom, and...satisfaction.


Take action!


I cannot tell you how many agents, and managing brokers, have given up on the year! They are literally checked out. That's a very bad idea! Seriously, as you finish reading this, go do something! While it is disappointing to watch so many people "give up", I also am secretly a little excited, because I know what it takes to operate in "harder" markets. I know that's where my business grows. Yours can too.