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Strong wind warning! being a professional Apr 20, 2024

The winds are blowing, and the seas of selling real estate have become quite choppy.

When I was in college my family had a trailer and a boat that we parked in Blythe, CA on the Colorado River. We had several different boats growing up, but this boat was soooo sweet. It was called a Stoker Sport...

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What we get paid for being a professional Apr 13, 2024

Last week we talked about consistency. 

My mentor used to tell me that what we got paid for in real estate was consistency. We got paid for showing up in a certain way, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. If you did that, then over time, you built a business...

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What does it mean to be consistent? being a professional Apr 06, 2024

What does it mean to be ‘consistent’?

The definition of consistent is ‘Adhering to the same principles or course [of action].’

Many real estate agents who are struggling say, “I need to be more consistent” - but consistent at what? What course of action must...

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Obvious but ignored being a professional Mar 30, 2024

“A schedule defends against chaos and whim.”
- Annie Dillard

One thing that has become glaringly obvious to me: most real estate agents do not have a regular schedule. They believe every day is different.
They treat every day as a new adventure.  Simply because the address and...

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Realtors are not travel agents being a professional Mar 16, 2024

You probably saw the NAR settlement announcement yesterday. If not, climb out of the rock you were under and check it out. It’s sure to get your heartbeat racing.

My brokerage office had a Buyer Agency class this past week. One of the things they said about the lawsuits...

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Doing business <> Having a business being a professional Mar 09, 2024

I was listening in on a large, live webinar this week. I am not exactly sure how many people were on, but I suspect it was well over a thousand - maybe even a couple thousand. The subject was setting a goal, and then developing a plan that could achieve that goal within 3 months. A large chunk of...

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Learn to swim being a professional Mar 02, 2024

I have never been the biggest producer. I have never been #1 in my office. I am usually in the middle. Over the last few years, I spend MOST of my time speaking, writing, coaching, and training - but somehow I managed to squeeze in selling a dozen or so homes.

The last two weekends have been red...

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Tricking and manipulating does work... being a professional rants Feb 24, 2024

This is another one of those posts that requires a ‘heads-up.’ 

I was at an industry event this week - and while there were some great takeaways, mostly I was completely riled up listening to some folks on the stage persuade, pitch, and sell. It was a lot of “Exactly...

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Our minds play tricks on us being a professional Feb 17, 2024

Our mind plays tricks on us.

What we think is true, or what we think needs to happen, is not necessarily true nor what we need to be working on.

This week I had a conversation with a really great agent. They have been in business for over 10 years, have taken lots of professional training and...

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Incentives being a professional Feb 10, 2024

I have mentioned this quote before: “Human nature is surprisingly universal, and it is universally disappointing.” - The Morning Show

However, I have a new take on it after listening to Morgan Housel’s book Same As Ever, where he has a chapter on “incentives”. The...

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Lenders say real estate agents suck being a professional rants Feb 03, 2024

This past week I had five different conversations with lenders. They all literally said a version of, “I hate working with realtors. They are the most unprofessional, flaky group of people I have to deal with. And full of themselves.”

Then they added, “No...

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BE ON TIME! being a professional rants Jan 27, 2024

When we want to make a change, we have to do something that is not comfortable - or familiar.

This past week I had a conversation with someone who attended one of my workshops last fall. This person was late to the workshop, missing the entire first half. Two weeks later they scheduled a...

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